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Table 4 Diameter of the inhibition of the inhibition of ear infection bacterial growth by individual essential oils and by the antibiotic (Gentamicin)

From: Chemical composition of essential oils of eight Tunisian Eucalyptus species and their antibacterial activity against strains responsible for otitis

Eucalyptus Species oils

Bacterial Strains






H. influenzae

H.parainfluenza e

K. pneumoniae



E. accedens

12.3 ± 3.8b*)

1tr ± 1.0ab

12.7 ± 2.5b

7.0 ± 1.7a

6.3 ± 0.6a

9.3 ± 0.6a

E. bosistoana

13.7 ± 1.5bc**)

6.0 ± tra

7.3 ± 1.5ab

16.0 ± 1.7bcd

6.0 ± tra

10.7 ± 4.0ab

E. cladocalyx

15.7 ± 3.2bcd

6.0 ± tra

6.3 ± 0.6a

15.0 ± 4.4bc

6.0 ± tra

8.0 ± 2.6a


1tr ± 2.0ab

9.3 ± 1.2ab

9.3 ± 2.1ab

8.7 ± 1.2a

8.3 ± 0.6a

13.3 ± 1.2b

E. melliodora

19.7 ± 6.7de

6.3 ± 0.6a

7.0 ± 1.7ab

19.7 ± 2.9 cd

6.0 ± tra

8.3 ± 2.1a

E. punctata

6.0 ± tra

11.7 ± 2.1b

10.7 ± 3.5ab

7.0 ± tra

6.0 ± tra

9.7 ± 3.2a

E. robusta

20.7 ± 1.5de

1tr ± 1.0 ab

1tr ± 2.6ab

16.0 ± 4.6bcd

7.7 ± 1.5a

6.3 ± 0.6a

E. wandoo

18.3 ± 0.6cde

9.0 ± 1.0 ab

9.3 ± 0.6ab

12.0 ± 1.7ab

6.0 ± tra

9.0 ± 1.0a


24.2 ± 2.3e

31.4 ± 2.1c

38.6 ± 2.8c

21.5 ± 2.4d

26.4 ± 1.6b

29.9 ± 1.0c

  1. *) Values are means (mm ± MSD) of triplicate determination; **) Values with different letters differ significantly by Duncan’s multiple range test (P < 0.05)